A simple act of kindness by a NYPD officer, Lawrence DePrimo, was photographed giving socks and a pair of boots he had purchased to a bare-footed homeless man on November 14, 2021. This photograph went viral which started the Feed the Deed campaign in in February 2014 which resulted in over 10,000 random acts of kindness around the world. The work to create a kinder world never ends. There is no limit on the amount of goodness we can generate by being kind to others every day.. Not only can you make an impact on your community, your family, you may just give enough kindness to change a person life with kind words of encouragement. Practicing more kindness to others is rewarding for one’s self. Showing kindness doesn’t just feel good, it is also good for your health. Practicing kindness has been shown to lower blood pressure, boost joyfulness, improve social relationships and help children develop stronger bonds of friendships.
On February 17th, go outside your comfort zone and be oud with your kindness. Some simple ideas to show kindness are wheel out your neighbor’s trash, write a letter that speaks to a cherished memory you shared, buy a coffee for someone you don’t know, write a note of encouragement to leave in a library book. As family baking cookies to share with neighbors, cleaning an elderly neighbor’s yard to prepare for spring, or providing socks to a shelter will make everyone in the family feel good about the difference that was made in someone’s life. Family projects make great memories that will generate more random acts of kindness whether as a family unit or individually.
Acts of kindness don’t have to take time or money- the smallest act can brighten a person’s day. Remember “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop